The truth about sadness…

Just as we are happy one moment, we can be sad the next.. Something might not go as we planned, or we can be disappointed with others. Whatever may be the reason that makes you upset, it’s necessary to not that this is just a feeling. Being sad should not make you think your life is worthless, or that something may be wrong with you. Just as we are happy, we can also get sad and that is life!

Majority of people think their life should be happy all the time, why? It could be because we spend so much of our time comparing our lives to the lives of others through our social media interactions. Everybody seems to be living the life, but me; we think. However, most of what you see on social media is a very small fraction of someones life (don’t forget this!).

Myself for example, I run a platform based on self love and motivation, therefore I don’t typically share all moments that I am sad, heck I don’t even share all the happy moments! People follow me for uplifting and inspirational content and that is what I deliver, I have stepped away from anything that doesn’t align with my platforms mission. But, don’t be fooled, behind my awesome content (and humble as you can see), I am a person, with my own personal experiences and opinions, I too have views about politics and human behavior, I too get mad about certain things on the internet, and I get upset when I am disappointed in something or someone.

Last year alone, I felt lonely, I went through a friend betrayal, felt very stressed of moving, gained weight, lost weight, felt lost at my job, got promoted, quit my job, had an awful dating experience, met the love of my life, probably disappointed someone, sold my house, felt very scared with the thought that I wouldn’t make it, and so much more. But that is what life is, just a constant roller coaster of emotions and learning experiences. We are up and then we crash down and then we manage to get up again..

In all, when we are sad it feels so painful and endless, but you must know that it is just a temporary feeling! If I can recommend something is journaling, and starting with the quote “Even though I am sad I am thankful for…” This usually helps me put things back into perspective and whatever I am upset about starts to seem smaller and smaller. Remind yourself of the things you have that money cannot buy, and remind yourself that things could be worse, that there is people out there who wish to have your life! Choose to focus on the side of the glass that is full and not so much on the empty part, that is what I do when I am sad, and that is a reminder that being here is already a blessing.

I hope you have a lovely week!


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