Um pouco sobre mim,

In 2017, I lost my arm in a car crash and had severe trauma to my face, I lost a lot of blood and doctors were afraid of brain damage. I would only have a few minutes of life left if I had not received the proper medical aide that I did. For a moment, I was so close to my end, but I decided to fight, I had so much more to experience in life!

I spent my recovery thinking; “out of all the people in the world, why me?”

I went down in a spiral of negative feelings, I gained weight, cut my hair very short, and felt so close to depression. I remember crying, falling asleep, waking up and crying again, it was a cycle that I couldn’t break. Luckily, one day I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw me, I remembered all the goals and dreams that I had, I remember fighting to live and now I was just wasting away.

I decided that I was going to change my life, so I made a drawing of the version of myself that I wanted to be in five years, I wrote new goals and places that I wanted to go. I made a plan, I got a job, I bought a ticket to Europe, I got another job, I saved money, I bough my first condo, I went to Europe again, I quit my job, I got a payed for an influencer gig, I met a wonderful guy and I moved to Florida.

Now I am here, five years later and I can tell you not only I lived but I lived by my terms, I laughed, I cried, I walked away when I had to and I waved my freak flag as high as I could.

The content I create is for you, if you feel different, unworthy, if you have been lying to yourself, if you have been a victim of your circumstances, if you are tired of fitting into a category. My content is for you if you want a fresh start, if you want to change your mindset, if you want to live authentically regardless of what others will think. My content can also be for you, feeling lost and afraid of change, feeling like you hit a dead end, or that it may be too late. Most importantly my content is definitely for you, someone who is trying to build confidence and live the life you deserve!

I understand now why I am still here, I had to be here to inspire you, to take your hand and guide you through a path of self discovery and love. I had to be here to teach those who are struggling to find positivity and motivation, go from feeling defeated to overcoming hardships through recognizing the way they view themselves and changing their focus to pivot their lives in a new direction.

~ Renata


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