How to focus on one thing at a time?!
Have your heard the saying “jack of many trades, master of none”? Well, that is what happens if we don’t understand how important it is to focus on one thing at a time. I grew up with people telling me that I could be anything and go anywhere, my parents cared that I didn’t flunk school but as far as a career I didn’t have to commit to anything. I love so many things, fashion, photography, traveling, public speaking and I used to think it is better to have all options open, right?
Wrong! A few years after I got my degree I was working at a restaurant and trying all the different hobbies I had, probably all at once. So I get it, you have so many interests, hobbies, desires, and it can feel overwhelming to decide on one single thing you want to do. But guess what? If we don’t decide on something, we will be more likely to just waste our time going in circles. We will jump from one thing to another without ever finishing anything.
Be careful with this focus mistake..
A common mistake that I have seen and admit to have been guilty off a few times, is to think too much about the bigger picture, the overall end goal, and when that doens’t come fast enough we want to jump to something else, creating excuses for why we quit. Instead of focusing on the bigger end result, what if we focus only on the first step of a bigger goal and then move up one step at a time? By executing each step to the best of our abilities we can create a solid foundation for our success.
How to focus on one thing at a time?
First, decide WHAT it is that you want to accomplish. What career you want to get into? What kind of impact you want to have in the world?
Second draw on a piece of paper a latter with the first step being where you are right now. Then you can brainstorm all the other steps that are between you now and your goal. Maybe you need additional training, experience, maybe you just need to get your hands in the job, hire a team, find a location, create a website, apply for a new job, etc. List everything in the order that it should be accomplished.
When you lose focus or get overwhelmed go back to this plan and you can see clearly what is the next step and where you are trying to reach.
When we are laser focused on our goals and taking one step at a time, every step will fuel you for the next one, thus creating momentum for the overall success. Focus will also give us the ability to say no to things that are not part of who we are or the direction we are going, therefore we can optimize our time and remove distractions.
Each individual is accountable for their own success, so we must take responsibility and pick one thing we want to focus on that will bring us the type of success we aim for. As an adult we should be able to focus on one path instead of aimlessly wonder around and making excuses to why we didn’t get anywhere. Let’s not waste our time, but instead optimize it.
When we finally achieve a goal then we can move on to another one, or change directions to incorporate new elements to our goals. Stay focused and patient and all things will come into fruition for you.